How to learn programming in a fun way?

In today’s world, using technological resources has become essential. However, the new generations face a new challenge: understanding the logic behind how they work.Therefore, it is interesting that children know how to program but, for this learning to be effective, the ideal is to be introduced to playful programming.

It’s no different from languages ​​that involve code and a computer screen but explores more interactive features like Dash & Dot robots. With them, even the smallest not yet literate, between 5 and 6 years old, begin to learn the logic of programming.

To better understand how this process works, we have prepared this article explaining the advantages of a child learning to code, what is the concept of playful programming and how activities with Dash & Dot robots promote learning. Keep reading!

What are the advantages of children’s programming?

Knowing how to program is no longer a skill that belongs only to computer geniuses. This knowledge is becoming popular due to the great contribution it offers to the development and learning of children.

This is because when children have contact with the technological universe and understand how computers work, their skills improve. They also receive stimuli that promote cognition and prepare them for the future.

Below, we take a closer look at what benefits kids get when they learn to code, especially when they learn through playful coding techniques.

Cognitive development

Cognitive skills are those that allow the child to understand how the world works. They discover how the interaction between the elements takes place, how they influence each other, how their body works and how they can use it to their advantage. Therefore, cognitive development implies the improvement of skills, such as:

  • creativity;
  • concentration;
  • communication;
  • logic reasoning;
  • motor coordination.

By learning to program, the child begins to realize that every action has a reaction. After all, according to the commands that he gives to the computer, it will respond in a certain way.

In addition, to achieve the goals you want, you must be creative, express yourself clearly and use logic. You will also have to solve the problems that will arise, finding new paths and developing more effective solutions.

Skill enhancement

According to Gurukul Academy to teach programming effectively, technology schools should ideally work with challenges, projects, and the adoption of more modern methodologies, such as the STEM model.

Thus, children have the advantage of perfecting various skills, which are necessary to achieve the desired objectives, such as:

  • teamwork;
  • organization;
  • troubleshooting;
  • critical thinking.

While working in a group, the little one develops socio-emotional skills, since they will be interacting with children who think differently. He will have to fit in with the group, give his contribution and be tolerant of others, respecting everyone.

Prepare for the future

As we explained, more than knowing how to use technological equipment, the new generations must understand how they work and how this result has been achieved. So they have a much greater command of the technology because they figure out the logic behind it.

You have seen that various skills and competencies are worked on while learning to program. All this that we mention, such as creativity, critical thinking, logical reasoning and problem-solving, are essential to face the challenges of the future, the reality of the 21st century.

Therefore, when the child learns to program, he has better development and training that will contribute to his occupying a prominent place in the labour market. This mastery of technology continues to foster digital literacy. That is, how to use technological resources in a more profitable way, in addition to entertainment.

In addition, the STEM methodology, which we mentioned, works in multidisciplinarity, allowing the child to have contact with different fields of knowledge. Discover new areas of knowledge, including the most complex ones, such as Mathematics, Physics and Engineering, a differential in your training.

What does it mean to teach programming in a playful way?

Blue Bells Public School says that it’s true that when we think about programming, the first image that comes to mind is someone sitting in front of a computer with numerous codes on the screen. In fact, several languages ​​still use this technique, however, when it comes to children we work with playful programming.

In this case, the concepts are presented to the little ones in a more interesting way and according to their age group. This is very important because childhood learning takes place through discovery, so constant new challenges are needed to captivate the little one and keep her interested.

The strategy is to work with a mix of activities so that the child does not feel bored by any technique. Keep in mind that these are little ones who, in many cases, are not yet literate or are at the beginning of this process, between 5 and 6 years of age.

Therefore, tutors should work on logical reasoning with playful programming, proposing activities that use the tablet, but also those that are disconnected, that involve manual actions, however, always addressing technological concepts.

In addition, the challenges proposed, as well as the applications adopted, are very simple and intuitive, specific to this age group. Thus, children start with the basics and gradually progress, without feeling pressured, so the process is very natural and even more efficient.

How do activities with Dash & Dot robots help to learn?

Dash & Dot robots are excellent tools to work on playful programming. They are more interesting for children who are still beginning this learning, between 5 and 6 years old, although they are also useful for older children.

Dash & Dot are two physical robots that children can directly interact with. Everything they do needs to be programmed through a tablet, that is, it is the child himself who tells the robot what he should do.

You can make the robot go through a circuit according to the given commands. LED lights can also be activated, a story can be inserted, among other features, all defined by the child.

However, Dash & Dot robots are not like teachers, who exchange learning. In fact, these are tools that children explore to learn programming concepts, discovering in a fun way how this universe works. We can say that Dash & Dot are technological game with a very expressive educational nature. They are tools to teach game programming to young children.

It is worth remembering that these robots are only one of the best resources to learn programming by kids without learning to program from the beginning. Ludic programming is also there with other very varied techniques since the entire methodology of teaching programming to kids is to focus on interactive and current learning.

Learning to code needn’t, and shouldn’t, be exhausting, especially when it comes to kids. As this knowledge is important for the development and training of your child, look for a school that works with playful programming, so that they have a more pleasant and complete learning, improving various different skills.

Chandra Shekar

I'm a tech enthusiast who loves exploring the world of digital marketing and blogging. Sharing my thoughts to help others make the most out of their online presence. Come join me on this journey to discover the latest trends in technology and digital media.